среда, 1 апреля 2009 г.

Almost impossible

It is almost impossible these days to turn away too much work. No matter what work pays your bills, too much work is exactly that, an overload that is difficult for you to master. Building up to too much work isn’t necessarily going to ease the financial strain you might be feeling, but it is more likely to simply burn you out and find you in an exhausted heap somewhere as you continue to push through too much work. There is nothing healthy about taking on too much work even if it seems like the right thing to do at the moment.Balance between work and down time is still important. You still need some time off in order to continue pushing through. Most people, as a result of some unfortunate business decisions and lay offs, find that they are being faced with too much work. Companies are pushing hard and the independent sector is pushing harder. But is all this pushing doing anyone any good? Unless you are the CEO of a company, the answer is no, it is not doing anyone any good. In fact, more people are struggling to keep up with the onslaught of work despite the company’s demands. Rather than accepting too much work, individuals have to recognize their need to rest and relax some so that the reality of too much work doesn’t become dominating. Too much work is simply not healthy for anyone. Balance is the key to better health, including financial health.